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Request for comment (RFC)

Mit RFCs werden die Dokumente bezeichnet, mit denen Internetstandards durch die IETF festgelegt werden (wie z.B. der HTML-Sprachumfang). Gesammelte werden die RFCs beim RFC-Editor, dort können Sie auch nachgeschlagen werden.

Ursprünglich waren die RFCs Mitteilungen zwischen verschiedenenArpanet-Entwicklern. Später wurden sie dann formalisiert. Mittlerweile sind RFCs die Standardform für Veröffentlichungen durch die IETF.

"Originally, RFCs were just what the name implies: requests for comments. The early RFCs were messages between the ARPANET architects about how to resolve certain problems. Over the years, RFCs became more formal. It reached the point that they were being cited as standards, even when they weren't.
To help clear up some confusion, there are now two special sub-series within the RFCs: FYIs and STDs. The For Your Information RFC sub- series was created to document overviews and topics which are introductory. Frequently, FYIs are created by groups within the IETF User Services Area. The STD RFC sub-series was created to identify those RFCs which do in fact specify Internet standards.
Every RFC, including FYIs and STDs, have an RFC number by which they are indexed and by which they can be retrieved. FYIs and STDs have FYI numbers and STD numbers, respectively, in addition to RFC numbers. This makes it easier for a new Internet user, for example, to find all of the helpful, informational documents by looking for the FYIs amongst all the RFCs. If an FYI or STD is revised, its RFC number will change, but its FYI or STD number will remain constant for ease of reference.
There is also an RTR subseries of RFCs for Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne (RARE) Technical Reports. These are technical reports developed in the RARE community that are published as RFCs to provide easy access to the general Internet community. Note: RARE no longer exists. It merged with EARN to become the Trans European Research & Education Networking Association (TERENA)."
(Zitiert von der Seite des IETF).


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